Topic: Not secure....
Hello! I changed my browser and saw this...Not secure...What is it and is there any danger to my computer and personal data?! thanks
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HeedYou forum → Bugs and Problems → Not secure....
Hello! I changed my browser and saw this...Not secure...What is it and is there any danger to my computer and personal data?! thanks
The screenshot doesn't open for me, but if you saw it while viewing ads, such message is expected. Ads domain is routed through the unsecured connection, otherwise, some of the ads wouldn't work. (HTTP links can't be embedded into HTTPS pages)
There is no private data transferred through this domain, if hackers or the government are spying on your connection, they would be able to see that you are viewing the ads (which they could even with a secured connection based on connection patterns and timing), but they wouldn't be able to access or overtake your HeedYou account.
Connecting through an unsecured connection can be dangerous if you're entering your password or filling the forms with private info, but since you aren't doing anything like that while viewing ads, there's nothing of value that an unwanted third party would be able to see that they can't already see when you're using a secured connection.
Best regards,
No puedo ver los anuncios. Me inicio en el sitio correctamente como todos los días y cuando quiero ver los anuncios, en la barra https el candado cambia a "sitio no seguro" y no me deja que se acrediten porque me pide que me loguee para poder acreditar los anuncios. Esto me sucede desde hace 2 días. Aclaro que solo me sucede con este sitio y no he cambiado de navegador. Ayuda administrador por favor!!
No puedo ver los anuncios. Me inicio en el sitio correctamente como todos los días y cuando quiero ver los anuncios, en la barra https el candado cambia a "sitio no seguro" y no me deja que se acrediten porque me pide que me loguee para poder acreditar los anuncios. Esto me sucede desde hace 2 días. Aclaro que solo me sucede con este sitio y no he cambiado de navegador. Ayuda administrador por favor!!
Hola Lourdescorrales798 no soy el administrador solo un usuario mas
necesitas escribir en Ingles ya que el sitio así te lo pide y te resolverán mas rápidamente pues es el idioma oficial en el sitio
la leyenda de sitio no seguro debe ser por la configuración de tu navegador o algún bloqueador de publicidad que tengas instalado para que no cambies esta configuración intenta con otro navegador diferente intenta por favor a ver si se resulve tu problema
Hi Lourdescorrales798, I'm not the administrator, just another user
You need to write in English since the site asks you to do so and they will solve it more quickly since it is the official language on the site
The legend of the unsafe site must be due to the configuration of your browser or some advertising blocker that you have installed so that you do not change this configuration. Try with a different browser Please try to see if your problem is solved
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