Topic: direct referrals is not updated?

Please let me ask? online under my direct referrals is not updated ... answer for me!

Re: direct referrals is not updated?

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Can you, please, explain better?

Re: direct referrals is not updated?

admin wrote:

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Can you, please, explain better?

I do not see direct referrals in my account? account: Nguyen Quoc Bao

Re: direct referrals is not updated?

Nguyen Quoc Bao wrote:
admin wrote:

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Can you, please, explain better?

I do not see direct referrals in my account? account: Nguyen Quoc Bao

Well, that's because you don't have any referrals.

5 (edited by Nguyen Quoc Bao 2013-09-13 07:36:37)

Re: direct referrals is not updated?

You were wrong! I introduce your site in my web have confirmed 10 people signed up under my link
. They ask me for them, but RCB $ click-fx does not endorse introduced me directly. Please watch your back for me. thank you

Re: direct referrals is not updated?

Nguyen Quoc Bao wrote:

You were wrong! I introduce your site in my web have confirmed 10 people signed up under my link
. They ask me for them, but RCB $ click-fx does not endorse introduced me directly. Please watch your back for me. thank you

We've just ran a small test, turns out, spacebar symbol in your username is being processed incorrectly, and that is causing system to fail while identifying your account as the referrer.

We deeply apologize, it is error in our system, not your fault.

Here's what you should do now:
1) Contact us via contact form on our website to choose another username, without spacebars.
2) If this is possible, kindly ask people, who have signed up as your referrals to contact us too to fix the issue.

In order to compensate worries, lost funds and time let us give you a $3 present.

7 (edited by Nguyen Quoc Bao 2013-09-14 16:40:26)

Re: direct referrals is not updated?

Thank you gift ... I will do as you say to introduce my future, I trust click-fx and I was not mistaken. I will introduce my friends say this is a reliable site. Again thank you for helping me fix the problem.

Re: direct referrals is not updated?

You' re welcome to Clicks-FX big_smile

Re: direct referrals is not updated?

good solution Admin  CHEERS:::::::::::