Topic: important

I have this problem. When I click on any Delight or Inspiration ad

Following data will be transfered to the advertiser's website (

HeedYou is located in EU and complies with EU privacy regulations. There is no way for us to know if website is located in a country that offers the same privacy protections. If you are willing to accept the risk, please, approve transfer of each data item by checking the checkboxes near it. Otherwise, please, close the window and skip this ad.

Re: important

It's not a problem, it's just a privacy protection warning from Heedyou asking whether you agree or not to transfer the data shown in this page to that advertiser's website, in this case ( so if you accept check the checkboxes see that ad and get rewarded if not skip that ad by closing the window.
I hope I answered to your concern.

Re: important

thank you