Topic: RE: What Is Going On With The Clicks-FX PTC Site?

This is my second post inquiring about the Clicks
-FX site not functioning right

I joined two months ago and have not been able
to click any cash ads. Plus I have sent numerous
emails asking the same question and not getting
any answers.

If you can't give me any answers to whether this
site is going to be working 100% or that it has
been abandoned, you need to then take the site

If I still do not get a reply by some one sometime   
by tomorrow then I will delete it and stop wasting
my time with a PTC site that has very poor owner
ship and poor support not to let people know as
to what is going on.

Al Silva

Re: RE: What Is Going On With The Clicks-FX PTC Site?

You don't see any ads because you did not confirm your email.
We don't have any public contact emails so I'm not sure where you sent them.

Best regards,

Re: RE: What Is Going On With The Clicks-FX PTC Site?

I have been reading a lot of posts on various issues with
the Clicks-FX PTC site and most are pretty negative and I
for one can understand why.

People are not getting paid, users are not getting ads to
click and support is not responding or fixing the issues that
users are experiencing. Support is not sending any kind of
updates to let users know about what just is going on with
the site.

Now I use the Buxenger PTC software that contains 29
built in PTC sites and Clicks=FX is one of them and I have
not been able to use it since I signed up over three months

Now, I see that many here are experiencing the same
problem that I am having which is it shows no ads and it
will not allow me to get into the ads area, when I click the
Read PTC ads button it is frozen or locked.

So this is the only way I can view Clicks-FX site by the fact
that your site has a lot of problems and that is a fact by
the problems many are having and posted here in the forum,
with out getting fixes to these issues or straight answers or
solutions to the problems at is Clicks-FX a legit
PTC program and trstworthy, the answer according to my
personal opinion a flat out NO!!!

Now I know this post on your problem loaded site probably
once read by the Admin will most likely be deleted but the
truth is the truth and if you Admin read it then that is all
that matters and if it is not allowed to pass, at least you
know my personal feelings and opinion in that you are
running on the most part a very undesirable site at this point
and time.


Al Silva

Re: RE: What Is Going On With The Clicks-FX PTC Site?

While most of this is not true, we appreciate your opinion and respect your choce.